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Sound & Restore

March 23 @ 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm


This workshop is for those looking for the ultimate deep rest and relaxation experience.

Restorative yoga works directly with the nervous system, with each pose designed to help you let go of the swirling of emotions and the dominance of thoughts in the mind. Jayne will lovingly guide you into each pose, to encourage you to do exactly that, let go and to experience your body and mind as they connect and move into stillness. Stillness creates awareness and awareness brings us back to this moment – the present moment where we can breath!

As you move into stillness, Monika will bathe you in the immersive sounds of the gongs, sound bowls and other instruments to soothe and simply wash away any lingering tension

The perfect way to end the week!


March 23
7:00 pm - 8:30 pm