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 A support group for new mums in Chislehurst

The first few months of parenting can be challenging after having your baby. This is probably one of the most exciting times of your life but equally one of the most difficult as you navigate through the new terrain of parenthood. At Mammas Club, they want to support you by offering a space where you can meet other mums, share experiences, tips and share in some of the challenges of parenting. This will take place in the comfort of a caring and supportive community, where there will also be light refreshments available and toys for the little ones.

The group will take place at Christ Church Chislehurst every Wednesday morning form 10:30am-12pm. The club will be running the sessions as a six-week course throughout the year. It is free to sign up they only ask for a small donation for the light refreshments on offer.

The first group will start on Wednesday the 6th of January to February the 10th.

They will then start a new course on February the 24th to 31st of March. The future courses will be announced closer to the time.  

There are many restrictions with Covid19, however support groups for communities are still able to meet within the government’s guidelines of 15 adults per session. If you are a new mum and would like to join the Mammas Club please get in touch with Christ Church Chislehurst or sign up here.  

As they are restricted to 15 mothers at each meeting please do sign up so they know you’re coming and no-one misses out!

Author: admin